Hearing loss is a gradual process. It can have an impact a long time before it appears as impaired hearing. Even an untreated mild hearing loss can increase the chance of cognitive decline, dementia or tinnitus. These are conditions that can result in loneliness, isolation, and anxiety with a corresponding reduction in quality of life. A hearing test should, therefore, be a proactive health check that offers an opportunity for early intervention.

Delays in Tackling Hearing Loss

Many of those with hearing loss will, sadly, wait until, or often beyond the point where they are struggling to understand speech or converse with family members.

The average person has been having trouble hearing for 7 to 10 years before they come in — they say it’s only been a few months, but we’ve found it’s years,
Dr. Eric Hagberg

Pride, embarrassment or simply a refusal to acknowledge the ageing process causes delays. That hesitancy can affect one’s quality of life, general health and well-being.

Free Online Hearing Checker

Are you concerned about seeking professional help or are you happy that your hearing is just fine? Either way, why not spend just 3 minutes finding out with the Free Online Hearing Checker on the homepage of this website? You will either have peace of mind or confirmation that you need to seek help. We have spent over 30 years tackling hearing loss and we want you to care as much about your hearing. If you are worried about your hearing health or simply curious just take the simple test. Then, you can find out more about our state-of-the-art products on this site.

There’s no substitute for a professional hearing test and a consultation with a qualified audiologist, however, the Online Hearing Checker can provide some quick and helpful indications about your hearing health. All of this can be done from the comfort of your own home.